(816) 575-7747
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Healing Plants|Kansas City, MO 64167|(816) 575-7747
Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions

Will CBD show up on a drug test?

CBD is not typically included in standard drug tests, but we cannot guarantee negative results, as some tests screen for all cannabinoids, not just THC.

What dosage should I take?

While everyone's response is unique, we recommend starting with the suggested dosage on the bottle. CBD can accumulate in the system over time, so you may begin to notice its effects within a week. If you don't experience relief, you can gradually increase the dosage until you achieve the desired results.

Will CBD interact with my Rx medications?

We strongly advise consulting with your physician before taking CBD or any other supplement alongside your prescribed medication.

Is CBD legal?

YES! The 2018 Farm Bill, passed by Congress, legalized hemp-derived products containing less than 0.3% THC as part of its provisions.

Will CBD get me high?

No, CBD typically contains negligible amounts of THC, the psychoactive compound responsible for the "high" effect.

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